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Music is great.  Every sound, everything is perfect.  It is amazing.  I'm not talking about Twenty One Pilots or Imagine Dragons.

I'm talking about Playtronica.  You can do everything by yourself: rhythm, sounds, and sometimes words.  In DEC Camp, Playtronica occupies a big place.  Campers adore making fabulous music that will be used after its creation.  They create two or more songs that sound like the soundtracks of famous singers.  It wasn't made with drums, guitars, or other professional instruments.  It was made with fruits, vegetables, and common things like plasticine.

It is an easy process and a great result.  You'll definitely love it!




"Music changes the world" – these words completely describe the fantastic project called Playtronica.  The members of this project are trying to change the world using music.  New sounds, new instruments, new ways to make melodies – that is actually what campers do in this project.  They also have a goal to find different ways to use it and they’re doing everything to achieve that.  It is worth considering that they are making sounds from everything, which is very cool and exciting.  Everyone is very talented and they know what they are doing.

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