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Eco Playground/Mobile Playground

The name of this project is Eco-Playground/Mobile Playground.  Its main purpose is to design, prepare, and create a playground for a primary school in Migovo.  They hope to come up with a play area, which is safe, fun, educational, and makes playtime more exciting for the pupils of that school.  When they finish the session, they will have a variety of different equipment.  First, they are painting two benches.  Second, they are making a tic-tac-toe game, which doubles up as an educational math game.  Third, they hope to create bowling game using and plastic bottles and, lastly, they shall create decorations for the school.




This really cool project is for people who like drawing and creating new things. They have already painted the bases of three benches in blue and violet colors. After that, they painted them with pictures. They have choosen three topics of pictures like Sun and Moon, Carpathian Mountains, and Space. These pictures are very bright, colorful and it is really pleasant to watch them. I think that it is a very creative and exciting idea to paint benches and make people’s lives more interesting.

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